Vertigo Films and Company Pictures’ six-part action drama launched ahead of the channel’s Strike Back: Retribution’s 205,000 (0.9%) in the same primetime slot in November.
However, it was no match for Sky’s recent dramas Delicious (281,000 / 1.4% in January) and Jamestown (403,000 / 1.9% in May 2017), each of which played out at 9pm on Friday.
At 9pm, Bulletproof was ahead of Sky 1’s 168,000 (0.9%) slot average and also beat Sky 1’s slot share average for all demographics bar over-65s, according to Barb data from
It particularly over-delivered for young audiences, with a 4.7% share of all under-16s watching at the time, up from 1% slot average. It almost doubled its 16-24 share from 1.2% to 2.3% and almost tripled its 25-34 share from 1.4% to 4%.
Women made up 53% of the audience, up from a 49% slot average and the biggest social demographic was C2, with 35% of Sky 1’s audience against a typical 22%.
Originally published in Broadcast Now: